Dear Reader
Dear Listener
We don't know, but this is how we want to thank you...
2012 was a very unique year for our radio program. Not only did Lumière have his first birthday with the main editor, Ruben Laureys and technician Dieter De Roover. After one year, our program can be proud and conclude that our audience was stable and starts to get a good reputation in the student population of Leuven and an audience worldwide. A new member joined the team, Bert Wastijn, and next to a bigger fanbase on facebook, a new account on mixcloud and a twitter channel, we can proudly say that our blog is our biggest succes.
After only 4,5 months, our pages and blogs have been read more and more every month. This December, it was visited more than 400 times and we published monthly new facts, opinions and information about our program (average of 6/month). We hope to continue this evolution by growing and presenting even more quality blogs by inviting experts and enthusiasts to write for us. We already received 3 guest blogs that were appreciated by all our readers and started multiple discussion in the small Lumière community. Thank you Laura Van Wymersch and Diana Goderich for writing those great texts for us. We invite u all to contact us, send blogs or get involved with our blog and program to make this an even broader platform for movie music and its history.
On Air, we also invited a remarkable amount of guests and had opportunities to interview different amazing composers. Not only the World Soundtrack Award winner Brian Byrne and Wim Mertens, also Jef Neve, David Wingo, Lucas Vidal ... made time to get in touch with us. A huge thanks to them and to professor Jan Baetens from the Institute of Cultural Studies in Leuven, who took us more than once in an adventure of Literature that was adapted to the big screen. Those experiences were great for us as team behind Lumière, but we hope they were as educating, entertaining, informative ... for you as they were for us. Also, you are invited to suggestions, remarks and questions to make Lumière even better in 2013.
For a team like us, three volunteers, it's great to produce a weekly program and to work for our weekly hour of movie music. But that isn't the thing that gives us energy: it's you, the listeners of our radio show and the readers of our blog that give us the satisfaction we hope for. We hope to keep raising our amount of audiences and to keep receiving honest and nice feedback! Keep up the good work and we will try to keep up ours too!
So, to get this blog to an end... we would like to thank everyone who ever cooperated with, listened to an read Lumière. We want to stress that for us, this year was magical with only great 'ups' and we hope to continue this even more in the next year. Thanks especially to every name that was mentioned in this blog and every name that slipped our mind. Know that without you, our program wouldn't be what it is now. We hope you'll hear Lumière as it is a program of all of us. Thanks to work, listen and read us.
Keep spreading the word! To finish, we present to you our top blogs and mixclouds, to relive this year the fullest before entering 2013. Enjoy your stay at our blog and dream with the sounds we played in 2012.
Blog Top 5:
3 The Hobbit: Soaring over Middle-Earth (Guest Blog by Laura Van Wymersch)
5 The Russian action movie: the sociological poetry of criminality (Guest Blog by Diana Goderich)
Mixcloud Top 5:
We hope to 'hear' you soon. With the best of wishes in 2013!
The Lumière Team
Ruben Laureys, Bert Wastijn, Dieter De Roover
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